
Selasa, 30 November 2010

How to make a video game - it's free, but not as hard as you think. [PART II]

continue from part I

Step Two - Creating a game thread.
At this stage to create a game, put the envelope in all, this game is the end of the world to play this game in the world, putting all of inanimate objects or functions freely imported items, rooms and furniture. This step is where all dead things are created and added to the computer world. Is there a perfect world, no animals or people. This allows you to easily create and deploy all the objects that belong to and which define the shape.

How to make a video game - it's free, but not as hard as you think. [PART I]

The game has changed dramatically over the past ten years. It was a world full of long hours of programming languages such as C: But today, it is readily available tools that do all the work on this program and you can concentrate on the task of creating fantasy game in the world.